Thursday, August 5, 2010

What's on my box

I never thought of myself as someone who would settle in on a Sunday night with a cup of tea to watch a spot of telly, but I have to say there have been some excellent shows on offer of late.

Firstly, my number one show is Lewis. I am mad on it. I have a MASSIVE crush on Laurence Fox who plays this Cambridge educated ex priest who is now a detective in Oxford. It's all a bit twee but I loves it. The only problem is everytime I watch it I have a burning desire to go to Oxford and be a student, which lets face it is never going to happen. And Laurence is married to bloody Billie Piper. Bitch. He looks like a Swede too. :(

Seriously, is there anything more attractive than a man with a baby?These pics are a case in point. SWOON!!!

Ok, so secondly The Thick of It. It is fucking hilarious, and I have a total crush on Malcolm Tucker. The Thick of it is currently on RTE 2 late on Thursday nights, and you won't regret spending half an hour with them.

Thirdly, and as much as a shock to me as it may be to you, Sherlock. The final episode will air this Sunday on BBC 1 at 8pm. The dynamic of Benedict Cumerbatch as Sherlock, and Martin Freeman, he of the famous cut away to camera from the Office as Watson is excellent. It's such a suprising combo but they have a great chemistry. It's tongue in cheek references to the duo's house arrangements aside, it really does have excellent stories and acting. Cumerbatch is a chameleon. You'll have seen him in tons of stuff and not realised it's him. Starter for 10, Atonement. etc.

Catch it this Sunday and await the new series sometime later this year.

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